Why video is always worth the investment

Video is on the rise thanks to social platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Recently, Instagram launched IGTV and while it competes with Youtube, it reinforces how important video content has become for brands. 

Most brands hold off on video investment because it is costly but we are here to tell you that it is always worth the investment. 

'Everyone is excited about video and for good reason. It is the main mode to deliver a true story and to deliver things in motion. It makes you activated' - Drew Elliott

Video was the new craze back when MTV launched music videos. Today fashion brands and influencers use it as a medium to story-tell and connect with their audiences. Video really impacts an audience in an emotional and experimential way. Something that an image can't do. 

We recommend the following for a strong successful video:

  • Plan ahead, what's the narrative - what's the story?
  • Your video should have a very clear call to action
  • Determine the goal for your video Have a distribution plan in place before you launch a video. 
  • Sound and beautiful visuals keep people engaged